Internal Medicine Consultation and Examination
There are a myriad of infectious, inflammatory, and metabolic challenges your horse must face in a lifetime, and in general, their immune system and physiology are up to the challenge, but when they're not, an equine internist is your best choice for comprehensive exams, diagnostic decisions, and evidence based treatment plans.
We strive to give you the most current equine medicine information gleaned from challenging Continuing Educational Meetings as well as that found in Veterinary and Human Journal Articles (click on: ACVIM Consensus Statements to find examples of comprehensive infectious disease reviews).
NOTE: In 2017 the ACVIM will publish it's review of Borrelia (exposure and infection) and Lyme disease in horses. It will inform you as to why the oft heard statement "My vet said that's the highest Lyme Titer they have seen" has no correlation to whether or not your horse has Lyme disease.
"Mouse click" on the underlined title above to see what a difference an equine medicine specialist can make in your horse's life.
Internal Medicine Imaging
Thoracic Radiology, Abdominal (GI, Liver, Kidney) Ultrasound, and Gastroscopy are just some of the imaging modalities available through Newmarket-Indialantic Equine. Modalities to help you better understand the medical issues present at the time of exam.
Deworming Protocols
Newmarket-Indialantic Equine has KeyNote presentations for your equine clients, or university class, concerning current concepts in parasite egg counts, parasite (e.g. tapeworm) serology, and how best to manage your Barn without increasing parasite resistance. Contact us today to schedule an evening or weekend discussion.
Endocrine Disease
"A single ACTH test does not prove Equine Cushings."
Find out why that statement is true, the most current information on Equine Metabolic Disease, how Thyroid testing should be interpreted in your horse, as well as the treatments and testing internals that should be tailored to your horses needs.
The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) has a succinct overview of Endocrine disease for to help you better understand these complex issues [here].
Gastrointestinal Disorders
From Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome* to chronic diarrhea, disorders of the GI tract are thoroughly examined and clearly discussed with you, when you schedule a an appointment with Newmarket-Indialantic Equine for an issue with your horses "gut".
*(EGUS- click here for Merial's "gastric ulcers 101"video)
Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)
CVI (often called "health certificates") are provided at no-cost to clients if an add-on to a scheduled call, and if an appointment specifically for a CVI is made the only charge you'll see is a call fee.
Neurological Disease
“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
― James Herriot, All Creatures Great and Small
From Florida, board-certified internal medicine (specialist) care for your horse's welfare

click here for a description of the image
Equine Infectious Anemia and Coggins Testing.
Interested in the incidence of EIA in 2016, and why the statement that "only horses that show (and/or travel across State lines) need to be tested",
is incorrect?
USDA-APHIS guidelines and information are available
(click on the map:)
The most important horses to test may be the ex-show horse and pets that are "retired" to pasture. They are rarely tested; as opposed to show horses which are tested every six months or so.
We know the cost can be prohibitive which is why Newmarket-Indialantic Equine has discounted pricing on all "retired horse/pony" Coggins tests. Contact us today for more information.
click here for a description of the image
Is it Equine Herpies Virus (EHV 1-4; "Rhino"), West Nile Virus (WNV), Equine Protozoal Myelitis (EPM), Neuroborreliosis (central nervous system Lyme disease), The "low-Vitamin E syndromes": Equine Motor Neuron Disease (EMND) & Equine Degenerative Myeloencehalopathy (EDM), or Cervical Facet Arthrosis (neck arthritis)??
There are a number of reasons your horse may be "neurological" and equine internal medicine diplomats (DACVIM) have the in-depth specialized training necessary to help you and your horse "get back on the straight and narrow."